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Branson School News, Sports, Life and Opinion

The Blazer

Branson’s student-run newspaper
Branson School News, Sports, Life and Opinion

The Blazer

Branson School News, Sports, Life and Opinion

The Blazer


Atticus teaching the Latin IV class in November.  Latin has been a core part of the language department for years.

Faculty spotlight: From math to military to Malawi

By Wilson Wendt November 11, 2023

When you think of a Latin teacher, you might imagine someone in a tweed blazer with wire-rimmed glasses, engrossed in ancient manuscripts, with a life dedicated to the language. Henri de Marcellus—better...

Andrew Peng '24 prepares a dish at a restaurant in Japan. Peng has traveled the world experimenting with different culinary styles. Courtesy of Shih-Wei Peng

Student spotlight: Peng’s culinary journey

By Wilson Wendt November 11, 2023

In а сulinаry worlԁ ԁominаteԁ by television сhefs аnԁ virаl TikTok reсiрes, Anԁrew Peng is а breаth of fresh аir. He doesn't сook for fаme, Instаgrаm followers or even for сulinаry...

The set of Urinetown, Branson's 2023 fall musical. The show is set to run on November 9,10, and 11.

Urinetown preview: A conversation with Maura Vaughn

By Ryder Lariviere, Print Editor November 11, 2023

Branson’s Director of Theater Maura Vaughn sat down with Ryder Lariviere, a reporter and editor at The Blazer, on Oct. 12 as she prepared for the upcoming musical “Urinetown.”  She discussed the...

Students and faculty compete in a pickleball match. With growing popularity, future tournaments will add to Branson's club sports.

Battle of the Bulls: Branson’s first-ever pickleball tournament

By Anna Rende and Rustin Dillard November 11, 2023

For the first time in Branson's history, a pickleball tournament featuring 46 teams took over the school's tennis courts, attracting the community to come together in support of each other.  Ranging...

"Sunshine Girl" by Anna Han. The painting is displayed in the New House Art Gallery. Courtesy of Anna Han.

Art spotlight: Anna Han explores sense of self in final Branson portfolio

By Hannah Hodges November 11, 2023

As her Branson experience comes to an end, Anna Han wraps up her art portfolio for college and reflects on her most personally significant artwork. Han employs a variety of styles and mediums to explore...

Andrew Murr gets ready to make a play against the run. The Bulls stifled Calistoga's run game on Sept. 30.

Tom Ryan field renovation met with approval

By James Stovell November 6, 2023

Over the summer, Branson unveiled turf renovation on Tom Ryan Field and the Quad. Getting rid of slipperiness and increasing safety and athletic performance could be a game-changer for the 2023-24 athletic...

Bode Dossey gives a presentation to the eLab class. The class was pioneered this year by Percival Baretto-Ko.

New “eLab” course dives into business world

By Hannah Hodges November 6, 2023

New science teacher Percival Baretto-Ko has launched the first-ever entrepreneurship-based elective at Branson this year, providing juniors and seniors with a chance to dive into the business world.  Entrepreneurship...

Students empty their compost scraps into new sorting bins in front of the commons. The compost sorting system was implemented at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year.

Green strides: Branson’s new compost-based waste program

By Alexa Warrin October 25, 2023

The Environmental Action Committee, in line with its efforts to promote an eco-friendly Branson and at the urging of Marin County, has developed and implemented a new waste management system. The digestion...

A group of Branson sophomores pauses for a photo during their summer Outward Bound trip. This marks the second year the school has participated in the Outward Bound expedition.

Sophomores bond during Outward Bound expedition

By Lauren Dignan October 22, 2023

When sophomores returned to campus in late August, they had the look of young people who had been through an intense experience: disheveled, exhausted, and in desperate need of a bath. These students were...

Students sign up for clubs during the Branson clubs fair. The clubs fair is an opportunity for students to get involved in extracurriculars on campus.

Clubs fair starts the school year on high note

By Josie Hohenrieder October 20, 2023

On Sept. 13, the entire school gathered in the quad enclosed by a circle of white fold-up tables layered with posters, snacks, and eager students for the annual clubs fair. As student leaders stood by...

Wilson Wendt works on his computer for a homework assignment. Wendt completed his independent study last spring.

Branson students dive into next-level research

By Dino Panos October 20, 2023

As each new school year begins, some Branson students launch into a range of creative academic projects spanning everything from the intricacies of sports to the ins and outs of colonial history.  Independent...

Henry Lien pictured working on a project during Branson Data Science class. Data Science is a newer offering in the math department.

Henry Lien ’24 leads initiative to shape AI policy

By Anton Gridley October 20, 2023

Henry Lien ‘24 is leading the initiative to reshape the use of artificial intelligence in the classroom and the larger Branson community.  Lien began an independent study this fall on the topic of...

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Branson School News, Sports, Life and Opinion