Whether Branson is completely new to you or you’re just curious to discover some hidden gems, you’re in the right place. Here are some tips and tricks for navigating our beautiful Branson campus.
Starting at upper campus, most Branson students who take the shuttle from the St. Anselm’s parking lot or a bus start here everyday. Walking through the front gate you’ll notice a massive spruce tree ahead. The tree, which is many years old, is wonderfully lit during the holidays.
On the right, you’ll see the Katharine Branson Hall, including the library and the admissions office. The library is a fantastic place to study, hang out or use one of the library computers to print out assignments. The quiet section is ideal for getting work done. A librarian is always available to help students check in for free blocks, find books or articles, print assignments or make up tests.
The theater is our auditorium and main venue to see a wide range of performances throughout the year, including thought-provoking plays, virtuosic performances of classical music and jubilant dance performances. Popular events like the Fall Musical, Gospel Night, TheatreSports and the Junior Talent Show are must-sees.
To the right of the library sits the Old Dining Hall. As the name suggests, it used to be Branson’s dining hall. Now, clubs like Bull Works (Branson’s makerspace) and the Coding Club meet here, as do some classes.
As you continue down the road, on the left you’ll notice the arts quad, which includes the Douglas Fine Arts Center and New House. Almost all of Branson’s visual and performing arts classes meet in these spaces. The sounds of pianos, violins and trumpets can be heard from the arts quad all day long. There are fully equipped pottery, photography and painting spaces too. Across from the arts quad, underneath the theater, you’ll find the dance studio.
Moving behind the Douglas Fine Arts Center, looking between the beautiful trees you’ll have an elevated view of the outdoor amphitheater at Prize Day Field. On pleasant mornings, all-school assemblies take place here, and so does graduation.
Walking down the steps to Tom Ryan Field, you’ll reach the turf field. It’s open for games of frisbee and spikeball during school hours. After school, the field is used by Branson’s athletic teams, including lacrosse, soccer and football.
At the end of the field is the Branson gym and the sports complex. Inside, there are two full-size basketball (or volleyball) courts. Students often play pickup games during lunch. Upstairs, you’ll find the gym, trainers and athletics office. This is the go-to spot for anything athletics.

Across the parking lot at the bottom of the hill stands the commons. There are dozens of tables — inside and outside — which are crucial as Branson’s student body expands. The lunch lines run along both sides of the building. Lunch starts serving at 11:30 a.m., but you can often hear and smell food being prepared all morning. The college counseling office is also located in the commons, though you won’t need to worry about that until junior year.
Working our way across the bridge we find ourselves in the academic quad. Most academic classes are in the quad, and you’ll often find classes and students working outside among the trees. The quad consists of four main buildings (starting from the bridge and moving counter clockwise): Study Hall, New Oaks, the Tallant Science Center and Richardson Hall. Though there are no strict rules to what kind of classes take place in each building, here is a simple guide: Study Hall is where most English and history classes take place with its big, Harkness-style discussion tables. New Oaks houses mostly math classes — from Algebra I and Geometry to Real Analysis and Multivariable Calculus. The Tallant Science Center houses biology, chemistry and physics classes — with fish tanks for Marine Biology and instruments for Advanced Physics.
Richardson Hall has three floors. Downstairs houses faculty offices, where many teachers often meet with students. On the ground level, you’ll find the front desk, the place to go if you are signing in late or for a free block. The offices of our class deans and Head of School Chris Mazzola are also located here. Sometimes, candy is available outside of the deans’ offices. Upstairs you’ll find the school counselor’s office and a couple of language classrooms, including the Mandarin classroom.
Heading back across the bridge, past the commons and up the brick stairs, you’ll see the Branson garden. It houses vegetable garden beds, fruit trees and an aquaponics gardening area. Further up the stairs, you’ll see the Snack Shack, open after school and during lunch. The Snack Shack is run by parents and upperclassmen and offers a wide variety of beverages and treats. Lines can get long — it’s a student favorite.
Continuing forward, as you walk between the library and Old Dining Hall, you’ll find yourself right back under that spruce tree where you started. Welcome to the Branson community!